Measuring Your Head For A Riding Hat
Watch the video for a demonstration of how to properly measure and fit your helmet.
Use a soft fabric measuring tape marked in centimetres (cm).
Wrap the tape around the widest part of your head: about one inch above your eyebrows, just above the ear line and around the bump at the back of your head.
Once you have your measurement in centimetres, click here for the size chart to convert it to our standard helmet size.
If you have a rounder shaped head or find helmets feel tight on the sides, consider a Round Fit sizing.
Have you struggled to find a riding helmet that doesn’t feel tight on the sides?
If so you will likely have a rounder shaped head and need to choose a ‘Round Fit’ sized helmet.
Types of head shape
Everyone’s head shape is slightly different, but there are two basic head shapes: round and oval.
Traditionally riding helmets have been designed for oval shaped heads because they tend to be more common.
Charles Owen is committed to ensuring that our helmets comfortably fit every horse rider, regardless of head shape and size, because a helmet is only safe if it is aproperly fits your head.
After many years of research, today we offer a wider variety of sizing that caters for riders with rounder shaped heads.
Charles Owen sizing is typically very specific because that ensures the safest and most comfortable fit.
If you prefer adjustable sizing with a dial-fit mechanism, have a look at our new Kylo helmet.
We are confident that every rider will find a Charles Owen model that fits their head perfectly and looks great too!
What is a Round Fit helmet?
Charles Owen Round Fit helmets are shaped to fit and suit riders with a rounder head or face.
Whether you’re looking for a cross-country skull cap, a velvet riding hat for the showing ring, a personalised bespoke helmet or a helmet to hack in, you’ll now be able to find a Riding Hat that’s made for your head shape with us here at Barnstaple Equestrian Supplies
How to tell if you have a round or oval head
The best way to work out your head shape is from the top, not the face.
Flatten your head down as much as you can, then have somebody else look down on the top of your head.

Should you choose a Round Fit helmet?
Most heads are more oval than round, but if your head shape is noticeably rounder then you will likely find a Round Fit helmet more comfortable.
Round shaped heads will feel tight pressure points on the sides when wearing an oval helmet (standard fit), and it may rock front to back.
Oval shaped heads will feel tight pressure points on the forehead when wearing a Round Fit helmet, and it may rock sideways.
Always be sure to find the Round Fit helmet in your size instead of trying on a larger size helmet.
If you simply increase the helmet size in a standard fit, the helmet is likely to be too large and may fall forward while you’re riding.